Tags ArchivesSalvadore Mundi

how to identify a wreck standard

Better public understanding of condition requires greater access to digital images BENDOR GROSVENOR 18th December 2017  The original Leonardo da Vinci Salvadore Mundi before restoration, and new frame, after all the frame makes the picture.   before restoration after restoration Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi (circa 1500) Courtesy of Christie’s Images LTD 2017 I hate to say it, but I think we must now accept that Leonardo is a wreck. Severe flaking was recorded as early as 1517 and according to Vasari it was “ruined” by 1556. Vigorous overcleaning and retouching have only made things worse. It’s time for a proper debate on how much “original” Leonardo is actually visible. Persuading people to queue around the block to see such a damaged painting ...

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